• Foundation for Hand Surgery


Encouraging and Financing Research


Basic research contributes to progress.
The foundation deals with financing study projects, for a limited duration (1-2 years).
The study project must be original and include:

  • The purpose of the study
  • Its impact in terms of public health
  • An article summarizing what we know
  • The objectives of the study project
  • A study protocol with the necessary needs (human and material) to carry out the project.
  • Specific skills required (possible partnership with research or engineering laboratories)

The submission of a project is subject to validation by the scientific committee.

When the research project on behalf of the foundation is accepted, its funding is allocated in the form of a scholarship, according to the needs and the type of study. This funding is contractually limited in time to a maximum of 2 years.

Submit your research project to research@foundation-handsurgery.org